Maple Heart Quilt Block

Maple Heart Quilt Block

The maple heart quilt block is made for the Canadian Comfort & Remembrance Project which makes quilts from this block design and gives them to families of military personel that have lost theirs lives in combat. The pattern is copy righted by J. Hodge 2006. For more information about the project see .

Memory Box 2

Memory Box 2

A piece of stained glass forms the top to this maple box. The box is approximately 12 by 6 by 2 3/4 inches. These make a great gift for a young person to keep their treasured items in, or for others to keep the dresser tops tidy. They also make a great place to put…

Memory Box

Memory Box

A piece of stained glass forms the top to this maple box. The box is approximately 12 by 6 by 2 3/4 inches. You can stop over and look at the various styles and colours of glass and choose you own special piece of glass or have Ann design a stained glass one for you.

Sun Quilted Box

Sun Quilted Box

This eight inch square box has a quilted lid. The quilted lid is 6″. All the lids for these boxes can be interchangeable. You can have a lid for each season or holiday festivity. A small mirror also looks good in this box.

Apple Cutting Board

Apple Cutting Board

This oak, cherry and maple cutting board will hang on the wall, creating more free space on the counter. It is ready for use and if you cut on the back the front will always stay neat. They come in a variety of style such as tea pot, pigs etc.