Finish of Wire Melt

Finish of Wire Melt

This is a picture of the wire melt the next day, after the kiln has cooled down so that I can open the lid. The piece is taken out and any kiln wash is cleaned off back. Now I have to decide if I want to make this a complete circle or make a wooden…

Surfboard in Coral

Surfboard in Coral

Ron created this ” Surfboard in Coral ” while I was on a cruise snorkelling and looking at coral ( No surfing though) . He made the surfboard by doing  a wire melt in the kiln. In this case he used 2500g of clear and bits of colour, melted through the wiremesh you see on the…

Mellow Yellow Wire Melt

Mellow Yellow Wire Melt

This special wire melt was creaatd in our kiln by heating 1250 grams of glass to 1760 degrees and having the glass dribble through the squares in some wire mess. The wire and glass rest on fire bricks about 8″ above the kiln floor. It usually takes about 12 hours until all the glass has…

Red Fire Wire Melt

Red Fire Wire Melt

This very unique piece of glass is created in our kiln at 1760 degrees. The 1250 grams of glass are stacked on some wire and placed in the kiln about 8″ off the kiln floor. When the glass melts at this high temperature it flows between the wire squares and creates amazing patterns as it…