Fish in a Bowl
This creative piece blends the stained glass fish with the oak fish bowl. Another plus is that if you go away for a holiday you don’t have to worry about this fish.
Ann started out making stained glass a little more than 25 years ago, but had to put the craft away to make room in the house for kids. Now that they’ve grown up, she’s taken it up with renewed passion and creativity.
This creative piece blends the stained glass fish with the oak fish bowl. Another plus is that if you go away for a holiday you don’t have to worry about this fish.
This simple 8 piece frog has beaded red glass eyes and is available in a variety of green glass.
This whimisical pond creature has an attitude and will add humour to any window.
This happy creature would be a good addition to the outside of any aquarium or better yet a nice sunny window. Size: 7″ by 5″
This stained glass fish has the ability to change colours when looked at from one side to the other. Size: 11″ by 8″
Now this fish definitely has attitude. Its unique glass has many surprises. Size: 8″ by 8″
This whimisical pond creature has an attitude and will add humour to any window.
The stained glass dolpin is created from grey baroque glass. Size: 12″ by 4 1/4″
This little one is looking for its momma. Maybe it can finder her on your window. Size: 7″ by 3″
This one is ready to splash the audience as it jumps onto your window. Size: 7″ by 3″
These two dolphins are united in the blue glass that is shaped in a heart. Size: 8″ by 8″
This happy go lucky guy will stay out of his shell to smile at you on your window. Terry has adorned many a sunny location. He brings enjoyment to all that see him.
This mystreious creature makes a great addition to any winodw. The bubbles are created using small glass beads. The seahorse can be made in a variety of colours that would compliment your colours.